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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Carmelo Anthony Twitter Drama

Carmelo Anthony Twitter Drama


If you may not know who Carmelo Anthony is, then you probably live under a rock. Fellow Baltimore Native and NBA Basketball star Carmelo Anthony was recently involved in some twitter drama. Supposedly, his twitter was hacked. However in the midst of it being hacked there were some threats made. What's makes this interesting is, the threats were made to no other then the infamous Katt Stacks!

Katt Stacks..... Most celebrities are fake. Carmelo Anthony is not one of them lol. You might be pushing your luck with this one. I mean Cash Money was funny. Soulja Boy's exposure was hilarious. He's not going to do anything. However, Carmelo Anthony? Same one from the infamous stop snitching DVD? I'm from Baltimore too lol, so I know you really messed with the right person if you ever wanted trouble.

Good Luck Katt Stacks. You going to need it with the stacks placed on your head lol.

Photo's below:

Photo's Courtesy of TheRunDown.tv

Kat Stacks tweetCarmelo Anthony tweet
LaLa Vazquez tweet

1 comment:

  1. Did you know I am actually from Baltimore, Maryland as well?
